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Sales of Dark Brown Foundations Skyrocket as Bollywood Celebrities Scramble to Secure the Rights to Make a Movie about the Plight of the Migrant Labourers

By Team Rayon Updated: May 11, 2020 at 7:25 am 10 Comment

A report in The Indian Economic Herald claimed that the sales of dark brown foundations have reached a new high in the past couple of days.

“While sales of other beauty products have plateaued during the lockdown, the dark brown foundations are being purchased so fast that there’s almost a shortage of it now,” read the report.

According to the report, the foundations are being hoarded by a number of popular Bollywood celebrities.

“We’ve been told that these Bollywood celebrities need these foundations to prep for a movie role,” concluded the report.

On further investigation, we found out that many top Bollywood producers have registered titles for movies they’re going to make about the ongoing crisis of migrant labourers in our country.

Ever since the lockdown was announced, migrant workers in metro cities have been left without any job or source of food and income. This outcome of an unplanned lockdown has led to a mass exodus of these labourers and their families.

“Do you know people are walking on foot to travel back to their villages?” asked one popular dark brown foundation-hoarding Bollywood celebrity we reached out to. “These stories need to be shared with the people. It’s our duty to do so accurately with the accurate skin tone,” said a popular actor, on condition of anonymity. When asked whether it won’t be more helpful to donate and help them instead of exploit their lives for more money, he said, “I donated to PM Cares, didn’t I?”

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