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MY STORY: I Braved Going Out During a Pandemic to Mob Rhea Chakraborty Outside the NCB Office and She Still Didn’t Tell Me Why She Drugged Sushant Singh Rajput Without His Consent

By Team Rayon Updated: September 7, 2020 at 8:19 am 7 Comment

The world has an ability to surprise you everyday. Whether that surprise is good or not, you can never be sure. You can try and look for the good in this unexpected world, and its people, but it has a way of letting you down. This is my story.

I am a hardworking journalist and all I want is to get to the bottom of things that look and seem suspicious. It’s in my nature and blood. It’s my duty to find out the truth so that justice can prevail and mothers can tell their sons that they live in a country where nobody is afraid to speak the truth. It is because of this search for truth that led me to many sleepless nights as I scoured WhatsApp for proof that Rhea Chakraborty is, in fact, directly responsible for the murder of Sushant Singh Rajput.

Now all the Bollywood phones are claiming that he was bipolar and they’re trying to divert the attention from their drug-addled ways by talking about mental health all the time, but the real truth is that Rhea Chakraborty and her powerful friends ruined his life. Now that the whole country is on the verge of discovering the truth, that honest reporters like Arnab Goswami and Navika Kumar and I already knew, I can finally be at peace.

This is the reason why I did not care that we’re in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and braved my way to the Narcotics Control Bureau, where Rhea was supposed to appear, and tried to get her to confess to her crimes on camera like a half-decent woman. Now bear in mind, I could have gotten the virus. There were more than hundred reporters who, like me, were searching for the truth. Nobody was maintaining social distancing. The stakes were too high. We were all risking our lives,a nd the lives of countless others who will come in contact with us, for finding out the reason behind Rhea’s evilness. But the witch just kept on making her way through the literal mob of reporters who were shouting at her, some of them asking her questions like I was, and some screaming obscenities at her. I don’t condone violence or abuse towards women, but in this case it’s not a case of her being a regular woman. She used and exploited an actor whose movies I haven’t seen, but at least he was not a star kid.

Not only did she refuse to accept the fact that she drugged her ‘boyfriend’ without his consent and took all his money, she also didn’t stop to give the reporters present at the location a good picture to use alongside their articles and news reports. All we have are blurry images of her crying and appearing in distress over her lies being exposed. I didn’t go out to mob a person I have never met or known before, risking a chance of getting COVID-19, to get no answers. I need the truth, the whole country needs to know whether or not we can trust and respect women again. To say that I’m disappointed will be an understatement. I have dedicated my entire life to ensure that the people are informed of the truth. But, as my uncle Rajesh’s WhatsApp forward said, you can never trust a witch to give you a non-poisonous apple. I don’t know what it means or if it makes any sense, but it does sound like truth.