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HEARTWARMING: This Influencer Says that He Will Speak Up About the Atrocities Against Dalits in India Once We Come Up with a Better Hashtag

By Team Rayon Updated: June 9, 2020 at 1:19 pm 0 Comment

“I don’t know, you guys. #DalitLivesMatter just seems too derivative, don’t you think?” said a 28-year-old YouTuber, in a 30-minute long rant on how he, an upper caste Hindu man, feels about people talking about atrocities against lower caste Hindus in India.

The YouTuber clarified that he doesn’t see caste and that he has many friends who got admission in his college through reservations, even though they wouldn’t have qualified with their aggregate percentages had they applied in the general category.

His video came after he saw some Tweets asking for people to show the same amount of anger that they were showing for the dead elephant in Kerala, for the 17-year-old Dalit boy who was shot by upper caste men for trying to enter a temple in a village in Uttar Pradesh.

“See, I am obviously horrified with what happened,” he said in the video, “But you have to market this anguish and pain better, you know? Just saying #DalitLivesMatter won’t work. It’s too basic and it excludes non-Dalit folks who want to show their support by claiming that only Dalit lives matter.”

He then went on to announce a giveaway at the end of his video. “Anyone who can come up with a better hashtag for the movement will get a chance to video chat with me for 5 minutes and a special shot out on my Google plus homepage.”